The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67410   Message #1127841
Posted By: Rasener
02-Mar-04 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: The role of folk clubs today
Subject: RE: The role of folk clubs today
Blimey Treewind, you have a point there.

If I think back 38 years, we were all young, including Martyn Wyndham Reid with his long gold curly locks of hair and Cyril Tawny who must have been in his mid thirties when I saw him.

Does anybody go to see Glen Miller anymore (course they don't, he's dead) or The Black and White Minstrals, which my father loved and still does at the ripe age of 88. I doubt very much if I will ever want to watch that sort of music.

So where does folk go from there. Get into the schools and encourage the youngsters to come and play at the folk clubs. Is that daft, as we say in Brum.

Last week I saw 2 young ladies perform "woudn't it be luverly" supported by Hillary Waterfall who plays with the Riverhead Ranters from Louth, at the De Aston Secondary School. Hilary tells me that the arrangement was a copy from the poozie's. I thought they were very brave to try it, but their voices were great, and I was smitten by the way they did it. I also heard a young lad sing a Billy Bragg number apart from other numbers. He is very talented. I am hoping that I can persuade them to come to the Market Rasen Folk Club as and when it gets started, and sing (haven't sorted that out yet). I strongly believe that encouraging young people to show what they are made of, even if they move on to other types of music.