The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38819 Message #1128115
Posted By: GUEST
02-Mar-04 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: Origins of: Barbara Allen, is there a story ?
Subject: RE: Origins of: Barbara Allen, is there a story ?
Funnily enough, a few days ago on a TV program on the BBC (I forget what it was about except I think it was something historical, possibly to do with War), a tune which I recognised as Barbara Allen was playing in the background. I think it was the same as in the MIDI file on the Child Ballads Website. Personally though I prefer Peggy Seeger's slightly different version of the song, and can understand Samuel Pepys being moved to tears by his hearing of the song sung by a scullery maid back in the 17th century.
The last word on someone dying for love was possibly said by George Bernard Shaw. When a friend asked him if he knew of a case of someone dying for love, he replied that he had known a man who was deeply in love with a girl, and was rejected by her. His friend said "And did he die of it?" Shaw replied, "Yes, he did - fifty years later". (Probably an apocryphal story in my opinion).
I actually once met a woman called Barbara Allen (about 20 years ago). She was connected with an amateur dramatic society; as it happened I joined another group, though mercifully (as I soon realised I can't act for toffee) my career never did take off, but I did get the chance to act a non-speaking part in "Playboy of The Western World" (Note that there is no "The" in the title!) at a local theatre. The male lead (who I thought was destined for greater things) did however get a part on 1 episode of "The Bill" (a Police Drama on ITV in Britain) some years back. Oddly enough I didn't recognise him at first (though it was probably 10 or more years later) and it was only when I recognised his name on the credits that I rewound the Video tape and looked more closely.
Not that any of this will add anything to the thread, but then as someone said: "You're missing the point of Mudcat, which is to miss the point of the thread" (or something like that). Just like when someone asked for the lyrics of a song recently and none of the many posts about it even gave a line of it. That's what I call being helpful!