The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67555   Message #1129019
Posted By: GUEST
04-Mar-04 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will Dem grassroots support Kerry?
Subject: BS: Will Dem grassroots support Kerry?
The majority of registered Democrats never got the chance to choose the nominee. The party royalty has chosen it's king, another empty suit. The grassroots activism begun with Dean, is now being silenced in the party and among the punditry. Dean's name has barely been mentioned in any news reports this week.

So, it is a timely question. The grassroots progressives have been locked out of the party by the elite interests AGAIN.

So what will the progressive wing of the party do? Will the Deaniacs work for the Kerry ticket? Will they vote for Nader? Or will they stay home and not vote once again, because the Democratic party continues to ignore and belittle their issues and their legitimate needs as citizens and a large constituency in the Democratic party?

Ever since the Reagan victory of 1980, the Democrats have abandoned their strongest constituencies. Union members numbers have been dwindling for decades, and since 1980, unions can no longer be counted upon to deliver their members as a solid voting block. And the union members of bygone eras were some of the most politically and socially conservative members of the Democratic party anyway, which caused the party to lose the support of many progressives alienated by the Republican wing of the Democratic party.

So now, with a supposedly "centrist" candidate who voted with Bush and the Republicans on every major piece of legislation since 2000 (ie, the Patriot Act, war on Iraq, No Child Left Behind, Medicare, the Bush tax cuts, etc) it is clearly apparent the Democratic Leadership Council has annointed another Republicrat for the nominee.

And not just any Republicrat, but a Republicrat they don't even need to develop a new media strategy to defeat, as they can dust off the one used by Bush I to defeat "Massachusetts Liberal" Dukakis.

It is mind numbing, to say the least, to believe one's eyes as we watch the Democratic party make the same stupid mistakes AGAIN, that resulted in them being defeated in 1988 and 2000, but there you have it.

So, what do people think will happen now that Kerry will begin his move to the right to capture the sacred "NASCAR dads" and independent "centrist" voters?