The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67546   Message #1129084
Posted By: KathWestra
04-Mar-04 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Protest Songs at Greenham Common
Subject: RE: Protest Songs at Greenham Common
Debby McClatchy wrote a wonderful song called "The Women of Greenham Common," which she has recorded on one of her many CDs. When my friend Mary LaMarca, her husband George Stephens, and I were working on the song for a performance last year, I looked up Greenham Common on google, and found a really neat website that includes sound archives of oral history interviews with women who participated. You can find it here: Greenham Common History Debby also has a homepage with listings of her CDs, but I'm having trouble finding it. Maybe Joe Offer can help, since Debby's now living in his neck of the woods....