The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67520   Message #1129186
Posted By: freightdawg
04-Mar-04 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Martha: What will the jury say?...
Subject: RE: BS: Martha: What will the jury say?...

Okay, maybe I over generalized just a teensy, but the basic truth is the same. When it comes to financial dealings women are generally (underline generally) viewed differently than men. Why have there been so many objections about Martha's case going to jury? "She is just a scapegoat." "They are picking on her because she is a woman." I dare say that if a man had the same charges brought against him (and many have, Enron, Global Crossing, etc), that it would just be filed away as "just another crooked CEO." Well, from what I have been able to follow from the story, she is just another crooked CEO, who just happens to be female (no better, no worse than her male counterparts).

My cynicism comes from that fact that court rooms are not about justice anymore. The most financially well off get favorable verdicts, the average joe in the street gets fined, sent to the pokey, or both. The only thing lady justice has in her scales is wads of cash, freely bestowed and graciously accepted.
