The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67520   Message #1129235
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Mar-04 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Martha: What will the jury say?...
Subject: RE: BS: Martha: What will the jury say?...
Thanks for the clarification, freightdawg. I happen to share some of your cynicism about our justice system, esp. about the fat cats who get away with it, most of whom have been men, including the Resident's brother.

If women are not shown in that light, in your opinion, as much as men, then I believe we have to delve far back to Victorian times and beyond to examine the stifling pedestal our patriarchal world imposed on women. They weren't even supposed to have strong, assertive role models unless they were selflessly doing something benevolent, usually for men. Poor Florence Nightingale got a very cold reception when she came back to England and tried to get nursing recognised as a legitimate occupation, rather than one for drunkards and slatterns to fulfill.

There's always been an ambivalence in society about strong women, whether they do good or evil. I believe that stems from male-domination. BUT, I also believe we are swinging into a balance of sorts and the old status quo just ain't anymore.:-)
