The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67546   Message #1129612
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
05-Mar-04 - 03:46 AM
Thread Name: Protest Songs at Greenham Common
Subject: RE: Protest Songs at Greenham Common
Ah, now Geographer---Iknow "akenaton" has me fingered as an O.A.P., but in dotage I am not! The journey which landed me at Greenham common actually did begin with a flight from Canada to Glasgow. There was no intention to focus on Greenham common, but my Lady and I set out on a tour of England which took in Canterbury, Dover and various parts in the South. Greenham common just happened to be in general direction of our travel across towards Devon and Cornwall, and curiosity was the motive for our arrival at the Yellow Gate. Wewere greeted with some wariness by the ladies at the gate---they had been firebombed the night before. But when I introduced myself as "the tent man" we were welcomed with open arms. I found these women to be highly motivated, intelligent [one was a Glasgow magistrate]and deadly serious about their mission. A few days before our visit, one of their number---a young Welsh teacher---had been killed, by a police car, while she was standing on a traffic island close by the gate.