The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66902   Message #1130777
Posted By: Ellenpoly
07-Mar-04 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
"Another thought: I have heard it said that the most extreme disagreements/wars are between the people with the most similar beliefs. We can agree to differ with people with completely different views but when someone with similar views comes along we argue the toss about the smallest details."


Thanks so much for your imput, Helen. This thread has kind of wandered all over the place to the point that I haven't been adding to it. But this last part of your posting really hit me.

I think there is something important here about how factions of essentially the same belief system can be as deadly as those whose beliefs are more dissimiliar. It's as if one is far more of a traitor to a cause if it originates as dissent amongst the ranks.
Perhaps that's also why a lot of revolutions actually succeed when it's a portion of the "oppressors" who turn against their own, either out of self preservation, or out of a change of heart and belief...

It's certainly the case with Hitler that he was hurt just as much, if not more, by the officers he considered his closest allies. I imagine that the "Et tu Brute's" of the world have had quite a hand in changing the course of our history.
