The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67623 Message #1130808
Posted By: RangerSteve
07-Mar-04 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: new banjo problem
Subject: new banjo problem
This should be easy to solve. I bought a new banjo, a Bart Reiter, which is perfect in every way, and darned well should be for the price, but last night I noticed a problem. There are no dots on the binding. This isn't a problem sitting down, when I can angle the banjo so I can see the frets. When I'm standing up, though, I can't see the frets and just have to guess at where they are, and I'm not a good guesser. I asked a luthier if he could put some permanent dots on it, but he said that could void the warranty. Does anyone have any suggestions for marking the banjo?
Someone said use fingernail polish, but I'm single and have no female relatives nearby, and I'm not buying fingernail polish myself.