The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67605   Message #1130851
Posted By: Amos
07-Mar-04 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
And what is the issue, then? Marriage between same-sex couples, right? It's not about sex directly but the noisy right are machinating pretty hard against the rights of others based on how they imagine they must have sex, just as friend Cruiser was doing. Why should the entitlements of civil marriage be denied homosexuals if not on the basis that they ARE homosexuals.

But even Bush isn't stupid enough to attack sexual conduct directly. This is as close as he could get. (If asked, he'd probably be tempted tp support a Consittutional amendment limiting thenumber of valid sexual positions. But he's not dumb enough to originate the idea.)

The man is incompetent.