The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67616 Message #1131138
Posted By: Blackcatter
07-Mar-04 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: Tuning an Irish whistle
Subject: RE: Tuning an Irish whistle
Sorry GUEST, Guest - but it's one thing to joke and add constructive help (like you did in your second post), that to jsut post a negative statement. Richard could have seen your first post and decided that we're not nice and helpful around here and have left. That's not fair for someone (especially someone who has not registered here) to do in my opinion.
Just to show you there's no hard feelings - I'm going to go f*** myself leater on this evening.
Sone if the "cheap" whistles are wonderfully in tune. You need to pick and choose, but some of my Clarkes and Generations are among my favorites.