The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67617   Message #1131169
Posted By: Stewie
07-Mar-04 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: Chord Req: The Stable Lad (Cobb and Co.)
Subject: RE: Chord Req: The Stable lad ( Cobb and Co.)

It is a poem by Peter Cape to which Phil Garland set a tune. I believe it is in Phil's songbook 'The Singing Kiwi' which presumably has music:

'The Singing Kiwi'
Willie Wag Productions 1996
ISBN 0-646-28410-X

Mudcatter Uke indicated in another thread that he has a copy of this book. Send him/her a PM.

Alternatively, you could contact Phil directly. I contacted him recently re another matter and he was most obliging:
