The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17141 Message #1131281
Posted By: Charley Noble
07-Mar-04 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Fishfinger Song (Miles Wootton)
Subject: Lyr Add: FISHFINGERS-3
There is one other "Fish-Finger Song" that not many people are familiar with. Our good friend Chez Watts from Bristol (UK) used to sing this for us in the 1980's when he was designing super computer chips here in Maine. He was working with John Williams at an orphanage whom he credits with composing it back in the 1970's (copy and paste into WORD/TIMES/12 to line up chords):
(By John Williams - Circa 1970 As learned from Chez Watts of Bristol, UK Style: Ragtime))
C------------C7 Long ago, in a place that I know, ----D---------------D7 In a house on a hill, it may be there still, -------G----------------------G7 Lived a boy named Sam, and his old Grandmammy, ---------C--------------F----C They was happy as happy could be. C---------------------------C7 Now Sam would play, and his Granny would say: ----D----------------D7 "Be careful, Sam, you don't give a damn. ----G-----------------G7 You just don't care; you play anywhere; ---------C--------G7-------C You'll be sorry one day, you'll see!" ----G7 But Sam never listened to his Granny's words, -----C He'd play anywhere just as free as a bird; -----G--------------------G7 He'd play by the river, he'd play in the lane, -----C He'd play in the sunshine, he'd play in the rain, ---F Till one fine day, down by the river, --C----E7---A7 Di-saster came along; -------D7 When a big fat fish jumped out of the river, ----G----------------G7 And started to sing this song:
--C "I work for the firm that makes fish fingers, ---G7---------------C It's very hard work we do; C For everyone knows fish have no fingers, ------G7----------------C So we catch little boys like you; ---F We bite the fingers from off of their hands ----C--------E7----A7 And stick them on our fins; ----------D7 And when we get caught, you understand, ------G---------G7 It's to pay for our terrible sins. ---C But don't be sorry, don't be sad, -------G7--------------C It's the only thing we can do; C For that big Bird's-Eye is always a-watching, --------G7-----------------C And I'm only gonna bite off a few." ------F So he bit off three of Sam's little fingers ----C--------E7-------A7 And swum off licking his lips, ----D7 And Sam got his fingers back - G7-----------------C—F/C Served with peas and chips!
If you decide to use this song commercially, please PM me so I can put you in contact with those who deserve their royalties.