The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67605   Message #1131603
Posted By: alanabit
08-Mar-04 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
I think that in addition to saying, "Well said," to everything Amos, Bill D. and Whistle Stop have just written, I want to add that recognition of homosexual relationships is long overdue. I qualified an earlier statement by saying that I do not agree with every demand on the gay rights tick list. I left out some of the positives that have been too little proclaimed - even by gay people themselves.
We are (slowly) moving towards a time in which gay people will be able to live more openly and freely than ever before. It is in society's interest in general that they be able to live together, share housing, enjoy high double incomes in partnerships which have no children. It is also in society's interest that gay people are left in peace to develop without intimidation, spite or indifference from the rest of us. It important that they can live fulfilled, productive lives, because it is in our own interest that as many people as possible - gay or straight - do so. Gay rights are human rights - and they will inevitably prevail.