The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67605   Message #1131779
Posted By: Strick
08-Mar-04 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
"As for 'But who said you have more right to decide for society than Mrs. Grundy?' -- you're missing the point. I am not seeking such a right. I don't think such a right should exist, for me or anyone else, unless an issue of public health can be demonstrated."

But you've decided that public health is the only critera without asking anyone else. Who said you have the right to make that decision for society? Forcing the parameters of the conversation so that your logic seems inevitable to you is just as bad. That's the point in having a public debate, so all sides get heard. Then we have a process for changing society.

Pushing these changes through the courts is not the answer. If all social changes are forced to go through the courts, you'll just turn the battle into one of controlling the courts. The problem with that is that there's no social debate with the courts. It's BAM! here's what's going to be. Presidential elections won't be the only thing that's polarizing society, will it?