The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67616 Message #1132241
Posted By: Leadfingers
09-Mar-04 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: Tuning an Irish whistle
Subject: RE: Tuning an Irish whistle
Regarding the comment about someone doing a workshop playing a $150 whistle, I have done a few workshops at Festivals in UK, and though I have a set of Chieftens as well as a set of Shaws and a set of Tony Dixons I use a Generation for the workshops. I also carry a few Generation D whistles for sale for any one who turns up either with a Duff whistle or No Whistle at all. I have a mate who runs a mail order accessory business who lets me have em at cost so I can sell em cheaper than the Music Stalls at the Festival ( I dont see why people who WANT to learn need to be ripped off) Some Generations work well -its just a case of selscting ones that work and rejecting the rest.