The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67616 Message #1132357
Posted By: GUEST,Wyllow
09-Mar-04 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: Tuning an Irish whistle
Subject: RE: Tuning an Irish whistle
unfortunately, there are no stores in my area that carry the type of pennywhistle I like (Generation in nickel silver with the blue plastic mouthpiece). There is a store that has the brass ones but not the nickel ones. Therefore I have ordered all mine from Elderly Instruments in Michigan, which means that I just have to take a chance that I will get a good one; I can't try them out beforehand. Luckily, most of the ones they've sent me are pretty good; if they sent me a real clinker I would just have to return it and try another one.
Slightly off topic question...
I recently acquired a wooden Hohner recorder on Ebay...the intonation is not good. Do all wooden recorders need to be "blown" in tune, or did I just get a dud? I'm a beginner on recorder.