The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67605   Message #1132496
Posted By: Strick
09-Mar-04 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
Whistle Stop, the hatrack was an attempt a levity. I'm not sure how seriously I want my views taken, after all. It's nice to see you're consistent.

My main point was what I've stated here and else where. This is not about same-sex marriage, but a radical redefinition of marriage. Government defines what an allowable marriage is and society has determined little things like the legal age of consent and other aspects that limit it and infringe on people's rights.

I disagree with you when you suggest that religion, culture, tradition or even personal feelings should not be taken into account in defining what constitutes marriage. Everyone's entitled to their views however they came to them. It's the purpose of public debate to examine the issues and reach a consensus on how to deal with issues as a society.

What offends me most is anyone, whether right or left who thinks there's only one valid point of view and that opposing views are not worth considering. If you don't like the reason someone gives for their views, don't support them.

Dictating how society must be is hardly the sole provence of conservatives. It's wrong regardless of who tries to do it.