The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67605   Message #1132649
Posted By: John P
09-Mar-04 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
Subject: RE: BS: About Same-Sex Marriage
Of course the issue is about equal protection under the law. Of course the issue is about Bush's desire to curry favor with the "moralistic" crowd and to distract us from real issues. How not? But the problem is that equal protection doesn't exist, and Bush is able to use the morals issue to his advantage, primarily becuase so many people are willing to think they should have anything to say about what other people do in bed. And so the debate moves to that corner. I don't have Bush on the other end of my computer. I do have people who apparently support him because they think they are in some way affected by other peoples' sex lives and desires to get married.

As for the polygamy thing, have any of you read "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert Heinlein? It describes a multi-generational pluralistic marraige that works and continues on into the future. I've always thought it made a lot of sense. But the real issue, of course, is that our society shouldn't presume to tell people how to live their lives.

John Peekstok