The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67616   Message #1132766
Posted By: Bob Bolton
10-Mar-04 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: Tuning an Irish whistle
Subject: RE: Tuning an Irish whistle
G'day Wyllow / leeneia,

Since the affordable ('pennywhistle'/tin whistle) only appeared in 1843 - although all sorts of home-made and traditional whistle lived all over the civilised world - whereas the recorder, after a few centuries dominance was fast disappearing about the same time (OK - it was revived by Dolmetsch in the early 20th century) I would have thought that the recorder would then have been the favoured, 'traditional' instrument - and the newfangled tin whistle would have been about as 'traditional' as an electric guitar in 1950.

It's all a matter of perception ... and prejudice ... and what you can get away with!


Bob Bolton