The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67699   Message #1132855
Posted By: Clean Supper
10-Mar-04 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: a new punctuation mark
Subject: BS: a new punctuation mark
Where else but here...

I have been thinking there is a need for a particular punctuation mark which looks like this:


Its purpose is to signify a complete absence of inflexion or emotion attached to the end of speech. It is to avoid the ambiguity of no punctuation without having to put in something that causes the reader to infer meaning.

It doesn't have the finality of the full-stop "." nor the pregnancy of the "..." I think of it a bit like a colon that has nothing to indicate and has fallen flat.

Someone used it in a message in the forum. The message started
"Hi.." and I took it to be the idealised non-committal opening. So there it is, in the publi domqin (to an extent).
Well, what do we think?