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Thread #67306   Message #1132873
Posted By: Ellenpoly
10-Mar-04 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just saw Mel's film...
Subject: RE: BS: Just saw Mel's film...
I almost thought to start a new thread, since this one started with mostly why people would or would not go see the film, and I am now far more interested in getting people's reactions who have seen it, since bottom line for me, past all the millions being made, and probing religious doctrine, and giving reviews about past Gibson films, is I want to know how it's affecting people. Below, I've posted a letter sent out by a friend of mine, who is in the "biz", and sees lot of films, and is also neither a Christian nor a Jew. He obviously had some strong thoughts, more gut than intellectual, and I found them interesting.

My personal concern is how this film will be used, and used it will be. I worry that Christians watching this will feel it their duty to support it, offering no critisism even if they might have some. In this way, a piece of film work becomes a piece of film fact. This is so libel to happen given the ignorance of many who no longer read, or research, but take what they are given (along with their popcorn) at face value. Do I underestimate the public? Time will tell.

Of course there are fanatics who will find an anti-something under every bed. But they are always going to be with us (along with the poor, so I've read, but would like not to believe either). But it's not those I'm concerned about. It's people who want to follow the doctrine of a loving prophet, and will be confronted by only his pain and those that caused it. If I can really believe that long, thorough discussions would follow to help put the one part of this multi-layered story into perspective, I'd be a lot less worried.

I think Mr Gibson was probably coming from a place of real faith and devotion, but I'm still not sure of how that translates for him personally, and it does occur to me that he must have had some agenda in wanting to focus almost entirely on the crucifixion. If it was because he thought this was the part mostly left out or sanitised, well, he sure took care of that, didn't he???

Anyway, I will not be seeing this film because it goes beyond my violence limit, and I figured that one out just from watching the trailers!..xx..e

"So I went to see Mel's the Passion tonight
I went with an open mind and with the intention that
everyone has the right to create the form of art they
wish. And since there was controversy surrounding this
film I felt I couldn't adequately comment without
viewing the movie.
I also have the right to respond to that creation.
This movie "The Passion" is obscene in the extreme. I
have never endured even in the height of the heady
Peckinpah days, the degree of sado masochistic
violence that this film displays under the guise of
religious "entertainment." It is an S&M wet dream.
A full two hours of neverending violence in the
absolute most graphic, minute detail.
Now I went to a SAG screening so I didn't have to pay
for this film. At the end when the credits rolled
some people applauded and some people booed. I chose
to boo. I was approached by someone in the audience
who informed me that I had had my time with movies
about the holocaust and it was now their time. This
is pretty scary coming from what would seem to be
thinking artists. This film short shrifts any message
of love, and the ressurection is given a scant 20
seconds, at best. No exaggeration. So...
If you are intent on paying for this film and have any
faith in my judgment, stand warned. As for me I will
never, ever see another Mel Gibson movie again whether
he directs it or is acting in it. This movie was such
an assault on my senses, that I will have the struggle
of my life to forgive. And I will pray that children
who are forced to see this film as a religious
experience will be someday able to recover."