The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13068   Message #113305
Posted By: Art Thieme
10-Sep-99 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: Threads on the meaning of Folk
Subject: RE: Threads on the meaning of Folk

Of course there are many different definitions of folk now. What some of us are saying is that seeing the scene that way is completely WRONG. We are STILL trying to re-educate those that have gone astray into newthink. They're young & don't know any better. You just sound so tired of the argument. I am too! But I've got nothing but time on my hands now. You are most likely very busy with real life but I might as well try to educate somebody here & there as to what this is all about. I probably won't change very many set minds, but I do know that I'll be correct and they won't be.

When I first came here to Mudcat I posted some things where I said---yes, everything is folk". I was trying to, as they say in TWELVE STEP PROGRAMS, "ACT AS IF". I thought that I could re-train myself to lose my trad views and join the 90s, if only I could act as if everthing really is folk music, then that'd actually be the case. But if I'm to be true to all of what I know to be true, I simply needed to go with my original and, I think, correct feelings about the truth of our side of this divisive argument. Trying to be a people pleaser was not good for my self esteem. As Gordon Bok has told me, "Is what is!"

Art Thieme