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Thread #67555   Message #1134275
Posted By: Nerd
11-Mar-04 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will Dem grassroots support Kerry?
Subject: RE: BS: Will Dem grassroots support Kerry?

I think there is a basic difference between how Americans and British people refer to government. From my perspective, a legislator is in the government, not the opposition to the government. We don't have such a thing. We vote for the individual, not the party, and Chakha Fattah was personally elected to congress, as a member of the government of the United States. He is in the minority party right now, but that doesn't change his status.

GUEST, you're making it pretty apparent that

1) you are a blowhard with a hardon for Nader


2) you're kind of a Jerk.

statements like this:

It is the Members of Congress duty to work on Medicare, social programs, create endowments, etc. as that is their business.

show how little YOU know about our government. None of these things would exist if not for legislators who thought of them, crafted the language, argued them, and voted on them. They are the creative work of legislators, not some pre-ordained fate that would have happened anyway. There is no constitutional imperative to provide health insurance, any social programs, or arts funding, or for that matter consumer safety laws. Legislators do it because it is their moral duty, and because we the people want them to, not because "it is their business." Many go into government IN ORDER to do this.

Congress is a team effort. Even though you personally don't know what each legislator has contributed to each law, the fact is that the country has changed FAR MORE based on the actions of our congress than based on the actions of Ralph Nader.

So we should kiss Nader's ass because he went the long way around and did effected change from outside the government? Answer me this: if it's so much better for him to working from outside, then why should I vote for him for President?

Sorry, Laura Nader is Ralph's younger sister, not his daughter. Guess I'm not in the Nader fan club or I would have had all that straight.