The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66592   Message #1134447
Posted By: dianavan
12-Mar-04 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Subject: RE: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Wal Mart was stopped from building on Marine Drive in Vancouver.

It was alot of work stopping them. Petitions and more petitions but it was done. We knew that it would be the death of the small communities north of them.

As a result of stopping Wal Mart, we have thriving, innovative businesses owned mostly by young people. It is so much fun to shop here that it has actually become a destination point. Why give your money to the already rich? Why not spend a few pennies more to support small business entrepeneurs? Property values in our neighborhood have skyrocketed. Everyone wants to live here because we have a small town in a big city.

It all boils down to you get what you pay for. If you think Wal Mart is going to save you money, think again. Its another form of false economy. The cost to the quality of life is enormous.

Wal Marty - We have lots of water in Canada and I use it freely. I use soap, too, but not Ivory, Dial, or Irish Spring. I prefer homemade soap with vegetable oils and oatmeal. But for a real treat, I like good old Dr. Bonners. Its minty and tingly and nice.

It must be hard for you to live in this world when your mind is tightly constrained by only that which is familiar and branded. It seems so safe, doesn't it. What will you do if the shit hits the fan? Your dependency is frightening. I guess you're not a risk taker and certainly have not attained any level of critical thinking skills. You are a living example of the functionally literate. Literate   enough to become a good little consumer, dumb enough to believe the ads. I'll bet you even believe that if it wasn't good for you, the government wouldn't let them sell it.
