The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67704   Message #1134502
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
12-Mar-04 - 03:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hockey :BS
Subject: RE: BS: Hockey :BS
Having been involved in practising and teaching kendo (Japanese fencing) for the last 20 years I find the fights, bad temper and tantrums thrown by so called professional sportspeople (being PC there)on and off the pitch, rink, green or whatever, very sad.

Why? It points to a total lack of personal control.

People who loose their control in such situations will also tend to show the same behaviour outside of their particular sports or discipline. Look at the various stories over the last year involving sports personalities getting themselves into deep deep trouble.

Loss of temper is loss of control, no one wins when control is lost.