The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66592   Message #1134531
Posted By: dianavan
12-Mar-04 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Subject: RE: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
I never get tired of Main Street. It has been a great experience being a part of this community. The business owners are unique. They prefer to co-operate rather than compete. What a concept! Its an entirely friendly place and its in full bloom.

Another odd but wonderful part of this community is that the "down and outers" are more than just tolerated. Every neighborhood has their "street guy". The "street guy(s)" do odd jobs, pick up your empty cans and bottles, and remove anything you leave in the lane (they seem to find a use for everything). They offer a form of protection because they are very territorial. They don't like strangers prowling about and if anything goes missing from the yard, they will find it for you. I often provide lunch for our street guy if he's around. The old lady across the street let him sleep in her carport when he was temporarily homeless.

It is a community of mixed ages, incomes and many languages but everyone is accepted if not embraced. We have something very special here and its contagious. I hope you visit again and thanks - fighting Wal Mart was worth the effort.
