The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13406   Message #113477
Posted By: Bill D
11-Sep-99 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway - News
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway - News
BTW...all beds are single...but in 22 years, I have seen every possible combinaton of moving, combining, and even dis-assembling beds to make sleeping as near to preferences as possible!..(Rita & I used to stand the beds on end in the foyer and put down a double bed sized foam mattress with an electric blanket...*grin*)....lots of possibilies, as long as you put 'em back like you found 'em..(The FSGW os famous for leaving the camp cleaner than we found it!)

As to schleping CAN drive down near the dining hall to unload...but then ya' gotta move your car back to the lot, as there is limited space..THEN carry your stuff to your cabin...(the Park Service WILL hassle us about blocking fire lanes and having extra cars around the dining hall).....(In case of rain, EVERYTHING changes!)

Also...look for a reminder when you drive in, about careful, neat, compact and creative parking...There will be a LOT of cars, and it will be tight...especially Saturday when the day-trippers arrive!..We also need to remember that folks will be coming from motels and the trailer park and campgrounds each morning...[maybe THEY can car-pool]...we simply won't know till late Friday night and Sat morning how it is working..(***IF POSSIBLE...I, and maybe others will try to get the early arrivals parked in the best possible patterns we can maximize the parking!!***)...