The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67763   Message #1135005
Posted By: Chief Chaos
12-Mar-04 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anybody But Bush?
Subject: RE: BS: Anybody But Bush?
Considering Ralphies previous position against the big corporations, his position against the maintenance of a large and capable military and other core values of the Republicans, I rather doubt that any repoublican was even thinking of voting for him. He said that the last time he ran that if Bush won, by the next election Bush would have done so much damage that everyone would rush to Nader in the next election. It seems to me that we are more or less faced with a two party system in America, unless and until someone comes along that the centrists of both of the parties feel is electable. I don't think Nader is it and I don't think he will garner enough support to do more than cost the Democrats the election.

Al Sharpton is being run by the Republicans and despite the fact that he could hurt the democratic party by taking a few votes away not one politician is going to say a thing against him for fear of being labelled a racist. To paraphrase B1st "Not prudent...Not gonna do it!"