The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67763   Message #1135102
Posted By: GUEST,pdc
12-Mar-04 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anybody But Bush?
Subject: RE: BS: Anybody But Bush?
Anybody but Bush? You bet! Here's a brand new example of the man's dishonesty and arrogance. This is copied from another forum, so all the language is not mine.

Bush Knew Medicare Actual Costs Prior to Vote.

Turns out, according to Knight Ridder, that the Bush Administration already had the figures prior to the Medicare vote. Their actuary had come up with a $551 billion price tag, even while they were still claiming to congress that it would only cost $400 billion when they were passing it.

The actual actuary was contemporaneously emailing his friends that he was threatened with being fired if he revealed the true cost of the program. One of the friends leaked the email to Knight Ridder.

They committed $150 billion in fraud on the american people. Makes all you conservatives feel nice and cozy I bet! Don't worry. He didn't get a hummer. It's ok!

Not only that, but the administration ordered its top medicare bean counter to lie to congress.

From the link below:

The government's top expert on Medicare costs was warned that he would be fired if he told key lawmakers about a series of Bush administration cost estimates that could have torpedoed congressional passage of the White House-backed Medicare prescription-drug plan.
Why would anyone believe this administration about anything?

Link: Medicare Fraud