The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67763   Message #1135661
Posted By: Don Firth
13-Mar-04 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anybody But Bush?
Subject: RE: BS: Anybody But Bush?
Bush, with a Republican congress, will continue (or, figuring that if he has actually been elected this time and thereby has a mandate from the citizens, accelerate) his established pattern of ignoring if not encouraging corporate graft, world-wide saber-rattling, bullying or possibly launching pre-emptive strikes against other countries in Mid-East and possibly elsewhere, gutting the economy entirely for the benefit of his rich friends, and completely eliminating the social safety net, including Social Security.

Kerry as President (or any other Democrat--or, for that matter, Ralph Nader!--with a Republican congress, would bring things to a screeching halt.

That would be preferable to allowing Bush to continue in office. And I do not see Nader as being able to defeat Bush. I think Kerry has a good chance.

Don Firth