The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67315   Message #1135940
Posted By: Nerd
14-Mar-04 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-Semitism & The Left
Actually, I prefer being insulted in the way you have done it, JTS. While it is, you will have to admit, rather puerile, it's so much better than the cowardly, whining way (to use two of your words) employed by others who use tortuous logic to try to prove they never insulted you.

I also like the fact that after CarolC accuses me of making personal attacks, and I ask her to give me an example, she tries to take the moral high ground by saying that it would be unkind of her to point out where I have been unseemly, and that she NEVER says anything unkind, unless human rights are being violated.

Bullshit. There WERE no personal attacks. CarolC makes blanket accusations, and when she is called on them, her husband comes in roaring shit and fuck and acts like a child.

Well, you have showed US, Jack the Sailor. We certainly respect you all the more now, and think your defense of your wife is both admirable and relevant. (NOT!)