The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67832   Message #1136217
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
14-Mar-04 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guantanamo survivors
Subject: RE: BS: Guantanamo survivors
These guys are hardly likely to come home and say it was like living at home with mum's home cooking are they? They have a story they want to make a very great deal of money from, so of course they will make it sound as bad as possible. Before everyone jumps down my throat, I'm not saying it's a tea-party in Guantanamo Bay, but we need to be aware that ex-prisoners are just as capable of distorting the truth as are Dubya's merry band.

As jOhn says, what were they doing in Afghanistan (and especially consorting with the Taliban) anyway? Surely, anyone who didn't want to be embroiled in the hostilities would have got the hell out of there - the Yanks gave plenty of notice of what they were about to embark upon (which is a bloody sight more than those bastards from Al Quaeda did on 9/11).

Go on then - my head is bowed, I await the sword's kiss.
Johnny :0)