The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67832   Message #1136345
Posted By: freda underhill
14-Mar-04 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guantanamo survivors
Subject: RE: BS: Guantanamo survivors
what did 9/11 have to do with Afghanistan (or Iraq for that matter?) those people that flew the planes were saudi arabian!

the US has used this excuse to invade two other countries who were not involved in the 9/11 disasters.

and the Taliban - bred in Pakistan, paid for by Pakistan, infiltrated by Pakistanis.. yes, an ugly, medieval bunch of one eyed freaks and lunatics. David Hicks was an idiot to get involved with them - and as a young religious brainwashee he probably thought he went in there to protect an islamic state from the pinko commie northern alliance. in fact un benown to him he was assisting Pakistan in its program of using the Taliban to gain control of afghanistan.

pawns, all pawns...

at no point did he engage in combat against american soldiers. now he's living in a cage in isolation for 2 years catching mice. and he's not even a muslim any more.

the whole point of human rights is that it doesn't matter how much of a dickhead someone is, how unpleasant, objectionable, or even how guilty they are - they have the right to be trated in a humane way, and offered certain processes and protection, while an objective court tries to find out WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DID.

saddam hussein has the Red Cross checking in to see how he is - the poeple in Guantanamo bay don't have these rights - the are being treated worse than Saddam Hussein.