The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67832   Message #1136833
Posted By: Teribus
15-Mar-04 - 07:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guantanamo survivors
Subject: RE: BS: Guantanamo survivors

Brian Keenan - Hezbollah Hostage in the Lebanon
In 1985 Keenan was abducted in Beirut by the Hezbollah militia and held as a hostage in their war against the Israeli occupation of the Lebanon and the United States government's support for same. During his imprisonment Keenan was chained, blindfolded, beaten and assaulted in secret locations in the Lebanon, South Beirut, Baalbeck and near the Israeli border. He was moved fifteen times during his captivity, often in car boots or the underside of vehicles and spent one year without anything to read. Keenan was released on August 24th, 1990.

The Tipton Three - US Prisoners at Guantanamo
Interviews with the "Tipton Three" provide for the first time, the fullest picture yet of life inside the camp at Guantanamo.

- In 26 months they were subjected to more than 200 interrogation sessions each.

- That the camp at Guantanamo Bay has a section set aside for those under solitary confinement, in which they were confined for three months after having been wrongly identified by the Americans as having been pictured in a video tape of a meeting in Afghanistan between Osama bin Laden and the leader of the 11 September hijackers Mohamed Atta. In their particular instance they were released from solitary confinement after the UK's MI5 supplied documentary evidence corroborating their stories that they were in the UK at the time.

That is the substance of it - what these three saw and experienced while being held as prisoners of Northern Alliance in Afghanistan has got nothing to do with their time as prisoners of the US military at Guantanamo Bay.

Yet, somehow, MGOH seems to think that their treatment and the conditions they endured in Guantanamo appears to have been even worse than in the case of Brian Keenan. That contention, Kevin, is absolutely ridiculous.

Their account delivered to the Observer in the course of a 12 hour interview did not state that any of them were subjected to anything coming remotely close to the same treatment meeted out to Brian Keenan at the hands of his Hezbollah captors.