The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67860   Message #1136981
Posted By: red max
15-Mar-04 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: The Wicker Man on UK TV Now (14 Mar 04)
Subject: RE: The Wicker Man on UK TV Now.
He said it was the "best scripted film" he'd ever made, which I guess isn't quite the same thing. The direction is widely acknowledged to be poor, but this film has a huge allure for me. The first time I saw it I thought the music was awful, and really couldn't decide if the movie itself was equally bad. Something compelled me to watch it again, and gradually I fell under its spell and now I like Paul Giovanni's score very much

I know there are many faults with The Wicker Man, but if you're prepared to forgive its flaws it can be hugely enjoyable. The above criticisms are fair enough, I suppose, but why do folkies always seem so damn curmudgeonly? To quote the wisdom of Grandpa Simpson: "The Good Lord lets us grow old for a reason - to gain
the wisdom to find fault in everything he's made!"