The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67863   Message #1137348
Posted By: alanabit
15-Mar-04 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death Penalty?
Subject: RE: BS: DEath Penalty?
Well actually Clinton, as a US taxpayer, I believe Frank does just that already. I should also add that the USA already seems extraordinarily enthusiastic about locking up people - over half of one per cent of its total population - I believe. Most serious observers would say that if enough money is spent on health and education, crimes of violence evetually start falling as a matter of course. So I wonder if you aren't looking at this problem through a different end of the telescope to some of the rest of us.
    I am substantially in agreement with you in your most recent post. My emotional reaction to a horrific murder is the normal human desire to blast the perpetrator off screen as if he was the baddy in a Clint Eastwood movie. That is why it is so important that real life justice should be operated by people with cool heads and no personal involvement.