The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67873   Message #1137414
Posted By: Barbara
15-Mar-04 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Only Remembered
Subject: Lyr Add: ONLY REMEMBERED (H. Bonar & Asa Hull)
All right. That's twice I managed to lose a post, and I'm not typing these silly words again. So I put 'em in my word processor and copied them here. Here is the rest of the hymn, and here -- Only Remembered, John Tams is a link to John Tams' words. I see we have a version of the text below in the DT, but the version below has more verses.

      (Text: 1 Peter 11,9)
    Dr. H. Bonar & Asa Hull

Up and away like the dew of the morning,
Soaring from earth to its home in the sun
Thus would I pass from this earth and its toiling
Only remembered for what I have done.

        Only remembered, only remembered,
        Only remembered for what we have done,
        Only remembered for what we have done.

Shall I be missed if another succeed me,
Reaping the fields I in springtime have sown?
No, for the sower may pass from his labors,
Only remembered for what he has done.

Only the truth that in life I have spoken,
Only the seed that on earth I have sown,
These shall pass onward when I am forgotten
Fruits of the harvest and what I have done.

Oh, when the Saviour shall make up his jewels,
When the bright crowns of rejoicing are won,
Then will his faithful and weary disciples
All be remembered for what they have done.
