The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67863   Message #1137461
Posted By: open mike
15-Mar-04 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death Penalty?
Subject: RE: BS: DEath Penalty?
The Center for Attitudinal Healing, started by
Jerry Jampolsky basically defines that the opposite
of love is not hate, the opposite of love is fear.
The priciples of this organization are symbolized
by a woman ( i htink she might have been in Idaho)
whose son was killed. She eventually pardoned the
convicted killer so completely that she adopted him.
this is, or course an extraordinary story, but it
shows how love can overcome.

I am not advocating that if you give them enough love,
hateful, fearful killers will be rehabilitated, and I
do not know the outcome of the people in the story, but
I am trying to find mention of these people, as this
woman was able to give unconditional love and that is
so rare.

On the other hand, if serial killers were stopped early
many lives would be one life sacrificed for
the greater good of the survival of their future victims
would be good.

I always have trouble justifying how the people who
often approve of the death penalty are against abortion.
If life is so sacred , why is it different at different
ages and stages?