The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1137473
Posted By: Deckman
15-Mar-04 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
To: Guest, Bothered and Bewildered. I've just now had time to read all these postings. You've started a very good thread that obviously resonated with many people and caught many interesting postings.

As I read through the thread, I realised that it could have been ME that started this thread, although I would have had to do so about ten years ago. I'll explain: I was married to my first wife for 26 years. She was, and still, a nice person. We raised three great children. But I chose to end that marriage for ceratin reasons.No, there were NOT ant boyfriends or girlfriends.

I spent the next ten years single. What an experience! Shortly after the 'word got out,' I was inundated by women. I had just gone through a successful divorce, I was working two jobs, and the LAST thing I wanted was a "relationship."

I was absolutly AMAZED at the attention I got. This was NOT the dating behavior I knew. In fact, it was the behavior I cautioned my children about.

I found, time and time again, that I would have to get pretty rough in telling some women to cool it. And I did. This was during the time that the movie "Fatal Attraction" came out. I don't go to movies, so I've never seen it, but I had friends cautioning me about this story line. And indeed, I was on the receiving end of attention from some people that would not take "NO" easily.

And today I am VERY glad that I did as I did. Or perhaps I should say that I did NOT do as some would have wished. "Bride Judy" and I have been married almost nine years now. I/we are very pleased about.

My whole point in this rather rambling story is tell you that I think you are very RIGHT in doing excatly what you are comfortable with, and NO MORE.

You've received some very good advice here, reading the many postings.I also want to disspell the stereotype that men are only/always after sex. That ain't necessarily true. CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson