The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67863   Message #1137522
Posted By: Gareth
15-Mar-04 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death Penalty?
Subject: RE: BS: DEath Penalty?
Mmmm ! - I have no problem with the right of a community to defend it's self, and be it war, or be it the death penalty, well, that is just a question of extent.

I am against the Death penalty as part of the judicial process because of the strain it could put a jury under. Given the possibility of error by a Jury, and this has happened, there is the danger of a wrong decision. To the extent that perhaps murderers and the like who were guilty have walked free. And that is equally a miscarridge of justice.

There is also the problem, as I percieve, it of American Justice, if your poor and/or black you die. If your wealthy ......

And what is it in Texas - new evidence is time limited ???
