The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67880   Message #1138198
Posted By: Bat Goddess
16-Mar-04 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Why do some singers resent tunes?
Subject: RE: Why do some singers resent tunes?
Our regular weekly session is a mixed session and we TRY to keep it balanced. Most of the listeners seem to prefer songs as they like to join in on the chorus. I choose what I sing fairly carefully -- there are a lot of songs I seldom if ever sing at the session, because I want to include as many people as possible. Most of the songs I sing have either good choruses and/or great harmonies or good instrumental breaks.

That said, I find the singers pay more attention (and are less inconsiderate) during tunes than the instrumentalists are during songs. Trying to sing an a capella song with a banjo player trying to tunify it is exasperating (and distracting).

But the worst offenders are a couple of instrumentalists who get the bit in their teeth and do a long set of dance tunes that no one else knows -- so EVERYONE is bored, singers, listeners and the other instrumentalists, too.
