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Thread #67907   Message #1138972
Posted By: Teribus
17-Mar-04 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Most Iraquis better off
Subject: RE: BS: Most Iraquis better off
Guest Boab,

I believe the poll was taken by the BBC in Baghdad. I dare say that all those who say that polls are meaningless, do not reflect anything of significance and can be "engineered" to get a desired result, that they would have been more than happy to accept it as gospel if the results had declared that those polled believed that Iraq was worse off.

For over 18 months the BBC has been stridently anti-war and anti-Bush/Blair, at times to the extent that their reporting has been down-right untrue. They have continually exaggerated the negative, irrespective of what their reporters have been submitting. So people in this forum expect me to believe that the BBC went out of their way to "engineer" a poll to state that all was rosy in the garden - Sorry don't buy that, it just doesn't fly.

So kendall doesn't believe what his government tells him, doesn't believe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's were murdered by Saddam because that is what his government tells him - What about exactly the same reports coming from other sources - Are you prepared to believe those kendall? Probably not because then you would have to admit to the fact that your government had been telling you the truth - and that would never do would it?

Bush told the American people and the rest of the world lies? No he didn't. What the last American administration, the present American administration, the United Nations, Iraq's neighbours in the region and most of the world's governments believed to be the case in Iraq was exactly the same throughout the period from mid-90's to March 2003.

Bobert's, "regime change" = "single bullet" is ridiculous. His list is complete spin. Bobert if you are going to put up such lists then please do us all the favour of detailing the points factually and accurately - otherwise don't bother, as in the form you normally come out with they neither illustrate the point you are wishing to make or prove anything.