The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1139732
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-Mar-04 - 01:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Okay, Bobert, here's the new thread. And here's the last one.

I planted my tomatoes this week. Haven't put in the eggplants, carrots, peppers, etc. But I wanted to get something going. I'll also plant more onions, we'll try corn this year, and then there are the ornamentals around the rest of the yard. Spring is here! Up to about 80 today.

Marion is visiting, and she was interested when I told her about our tarantualas. This morning I mowed a section of the back where the spiders live to see if any of their holes are active yet. I found one, under some weeds over near the bird bath, and she poked a flag next to it for a night-time excursion to see if Grandmother Spider is up and around yet.

We walked out with our flashlights this evening, found the stick, found the hole, nothing much going on. Then she used the stick to pull away a few leaves, and was startled to find a toad down the hole gazing out at her! Handsome fellow he was, kind of yellowish-greenish, and he stayed put. Don't know if there is a spider in there underneath him (or inside him!).