The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13673   Message #114032
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Sep-99 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: FSGW GETAWAY 99 Program
Subject: RE: FSGW GETAWAY 99 Program
Who's doing the addictions workshop (negative & possitive, doesn't matter). Addiction is only harmfull when it becomes unhealthy &/or turns the addicted one into an unproductive unlawful useless non-member of society, so welcome back to the place of rational addicts LaMarca, it's been a very long time & it's nice to see you posting again. It'll also be a real treat to hear you & George again (I caught a bit of you 2 a few NEFFA's ago).

It seems that it's OK to give some & ask some snips about where some of the workshops/concerts are headed. The prison songs & shanties will go where ever you want them to go, I don't really care (I think Roger & David are OK with this too) as long as those that go get to sing & hear what they'd like to or get to hear things that they might not know yet & would like. I'm not a big talker so instead giving a 10 minute intro to a 2 minute song I might give a 2 second intro to burst of a few songs, Please feel free to stop me & ask anything of me, I sometimes get shy.

They'll be 4 of us heading south from the Northeast (Dave Diamond, Jeri, Susan A-R & myself) hopefully we'll all have a little bit left in us after our 9 or 10 or 11 hr drive together. When is it considered Normal Arrival Time (NAT or ETA) on Fri (not that I'm at all normal just want the others to get off on the right foot). Mick, we should be meeting up with you along the roadside somewhere near the Roadkill Cafe, I'm not sure of what state that's in though.

Rita, this looks way cool, YOU GO GIRL.