The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67616 Message #1140567
Posted By: Bob Bolton
18-Mar-04 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: Tuning an Irish whistle
Subject: RE: Tuning an Irish whistle
G'day Foolesptroupe,
" ... I also have the Overton "Overtone" which is a Low G length whistle with no fingerholes - played by cupping the palm of one hand around the bottom end and waggling it about - reminds me of a Theremin!!! I think this is harder to play than the "backwards whistle" mentioned above... :-) "
Hmmm ... That's something I noticed when I made my first low "G" whistle in 1965. Before I had drilled any finger holes, I was just tuning its length against a Hohner low "G" I had bought in Melbourne (not a good idea, as I later discovered: the Hohners were all tuned about "Old High Pitch" / "Kneller Hall Pitch" ... A = 454 Hz!) and I discovered the whistle would play a full harmonic series ... unfortunately, I never tried modifying the output with my cupped palm! (But I might try it, with masking tape over all the finger holes of one of my low "G"s ... sometime.)