The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68016   Message #1140860
Posted By: Rapparee
19-Mar-04 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: What key do you blow your nose in?
Subject: RE: BS: What key do you blow your nose in?
I'm working on a Y-shaped breath attachement. Why, you ask? Because that way you could play without stopping for breath!

No more of those messy pauses or rests in the music! When one nostril is out of breat the other simply takes over playing!

This will revolutionize music, folks, as well as folk music. Think of it: pipers, trumpeters, clarinetists, flugelhornies, flautists, tubasters, saxophonies and all the rest of the blowers could not only join the guitarists, zitherists, dulcimerries, banjoers (that's Spanish, by the way), pianoers, harpies, and other stringers in singing!

Yes! Finally trumpeters (ahem!) will be able to play and still join their voices with those of fiddlers, piccolons will be able to sing along with the gutbucketeer, frenchhornies with the bodhranites! Windies will finally become as free as the g-stringers and the whackos!

I have run into only one small problem, however. Trumpets and such have spit valves, and this wonderful and revolutionary new advance needs something similar, only it keeps getting clotted up. But this can be overcome, so stay tuned.