The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13703   Message #114101
Posted By: Rick Fielding
14-Sep-99 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: This Land (Canadian version)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: This Land (Canadian version)
The "Canadian words" are apparently credited to Jerry Gray and other members of the band "The Travellers", however a few years ago Oscar Brand told me that he'd had a hand in writing them as well. God, how I hate that song! Most Canadians think it's practically our national anthem, and request it constantly. I used to explain that it was a (minor) re-working of an American song, but often the folks wouldn't believe me. "Oh no, I remember my great grandmother singing that back in Cape Breton...yada, yada.."

I hate to admit this but (mudcat IS therapy isn't it?) on occasion I would introduce it with a description of Woody's affiliation with the Communist party, and then watch as the audience (often folks of middle age and even more middle opinions) squirmed, while deciding if they still thought it our national song. Bad form on my part, I know.
