The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68038   Message #1141178
Posted By: artbrooks
19-Mar-04 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: City moves to ban dihydrogen monoxide!
Subject: RE: BS: City moves to ban dihydrogen monoxide!
It would appear that this is very much a regional issue. While the amount of DHMO in the environment is seen as excessive in some parts of the world, in others it is scarce at the best of times. The natural supply of dihydrogen monoxide fluctuates significantly, and there have been a great number of scientific studies that indicate that this occurs in 3, 7 and 22 years cycles, and that there is some correspondence with the Pacific Ocean weather systems commonly referred to as El Nino and La Nina. When the nadirs of these cycles correspond, as they do at present in the American Southwest, the phenomenom popularly known as 'drought' occurs.