The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67974   Message #1141222
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
19-Mar-04 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: Would you sing Peggy and the Soldier
Subject: RE: Would you sing Peggy and the Soldier
Worried about songs that "violate today's mores"?

Fergoo'nessakes, the woman in this song violated THAT day's mores!
As well as today's.

What's more, it's a standard characteristic of the traditional ballads that they relate a story, and don't take sides! Or to put it another way, set up a dramatic conflict and then show it resolved by some means. What to make of it is left up to the singer and listener.

If you're going to censor or self-censor a folk-type song because it violates today's mores, would you reject or try to rewrite The Wee Cooper o' Fife? Much more objectionable than Peggy if you're looking for offense!

Dave Oesterreich